Where Physician Stories Come to Life
An independent publisher and agency created by physicians, for physicians. We navigate the complex world of publishing for you, so you can focus on writing.

At Hippocratic Press, we specialize in transforming physicians' unique experiences and insights into compelling books. Our dedicated team supports you through every step of the publishing journey, ensuring your voice is authentically captured and professionally presented.
What We Offer
Hippocratic Press offers comprehensive publishing services, including editing, design, formatting, distribution, and marketing support.
Manuscript Evaluation
Our editor will read through your completed manuscript and provide feedback and suggestions to make your book ready for publishing.
We complete a thorough proofread of your finished product to ensure there are no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes present.
Cover Design
We work with you to design the perfect book cover to properly represent you and your project, helping you to stand out and be proud of the final product.
Book Format & Layout
We ensure your book's interior is professionally formatted, creating a visually appealing and reader-friendly layout. This guarantees that each page reflects the quality and precision of your work, making your book both engaging and polished.
Distribution & Royalties
Hippocratic Press establishs all of the necessary distributor and retail accounts in your name, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble, allowing your book to be made available across tens of thousands of retailers, libraries and ecommerce sites. You own all of your content and royalties.
eBook Creation & Distribution
We create and distribute your eBook to all major platforms and ensure proper use of metadata and keywords.
Paperback & Hardcover Printing
Your book is made available in print-on-demand format through Amazon and IngramSpark, allowing for direct purchases by consumers, retailers, book stores and libraries.
Publishing Imprint
You have the option to publish your book under our imprint, Hippocratic Press, or we can create a custom imprint specifically for you.
Marketing Services
We work with you to create everything from an author bio and personal website to a promotion strategy and launch plan. Options are available to tailor a highly customizable plan specifically for your needs.
Schedule Your Consultation
No Commitment. No Hassle.